Good Good Friday

I lucked out and was asked again to participate in the Good Friday procession this year plus I got a promotion!   No more being sandwiched between sweaty lads carrying Jesus, who is living proof that with his sinewy physique muscle weighs more than fat.  And don’t …

Good Good Friday

I lucked out and was asked again to participate in the Good Friday procession this year plus I got a promotion!   No more being sandwiched between sweaty lads carrying Jesus, who is living proof that with his sinewy physique muscle weighs more than fat.  And don’t …

La Alborada: Celebrating our Namesake

By Joaquin Sierra Rangel The Saturday before the feast of St. Michael the Archangel La Alborada has been carried out for nearly 100 years, since 1924.  The long history involves our factory, railroad and nuns alongside stars, music and gunpowder. The factory opened in 1902 …

Speaking Engagements

There’s nothing quite like telling a great story live. These are a selection of talks I’ve given to academics, party-goers, conference attendees, church groups, businesses and civic associations. Each talk is tailored to the audience and venue but they share a respect for the material, …