The Allure of Cobblestones

Often on tours I talk of St. Theresa who wrote frequently about being one with God.  When one with God, St. Theresa would levitate and have orgasms, known as her ecstasies.  If you ride a city bus to the mall, you’ll notice a life-sized image of nun on the bus ceiling with an odd look on her face.  That is St. Theresa in one of her ecstasies.

One Christmas Eve years ago I had a priest from Dublin on a tour and I was going to skip that story so he didn’t think I was being vulgar.

Of course, I told the story and the priest was quiet for a moment then stating, “St. Theresa would indeed enjoy bus rides in San Miguel de Allende as the streets are so bumpy.”

And they are.

Cobblestone streets have been around since ancient times being labor-intensive to install but durable and weather resistant while providing the allures of history, charm and romance.

At one point in my life I was buying a house in Charleston, SC and I was told the home would surely increase in value being on one of few still cobblestoned streets.  I was baffled preferring the silence and car shock-friendly appeal of macadam.

Hundreds of years have gone by on San Miguel de Allende’s cobblestoned streets that prevented mud while draining water. All the while hundreds of donkeys, horses, taxis, wedding parades, funeral processions, mojigangas, dust, rain and movie stars have come and gone, yet these immortal stones remain.

Cobblestones offer a free foot massage and, like with sand on the beach, foot doctors on my tours have told me how the uneven surface activates nerve endings in your foot that delay the onset of dementia.

Also uneven cobblestones offer the town the sensual moniker of the “city of fallen women”.

Don’t expect cobblestones to be replaced.  They provide seemingly endless employment to move them around as more and more wires are laid underground.  Plus how could we continue to be Mexico’s Most Romantic City without them?

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