Quiet Day

Holy Saturday in San Miguel is mostly quiet as the city waits for the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, when the events of Holy Week will come to an end.  This quiet day is the feast of Our Lady of Solitude, a patroness …

St. Joseph

March 19th is St. Joseph’s Day. San José, the husband of the Virgin Mary, is one of the patron saints of San Miguel and the patron saint of the Catholic church. Today is marked by a late afternoon parade featuring many depictions of St. Joseph, fireworks and …

Sacred Heart

The devotion to the Sacred Heart is one of the most widely practiced and well-known Roman Catholic devotions, taking Jesus Christ’s physical heart as the representation of his divine love for humanity.  It is celebrated as the feast day for men named Jesus (as Christmas is reserved to honor Jesus’ birth). …


Mount Carmel is a Holy Land mountain located in a richly forested area at the southern end of a long fertile valley inhabited since the Stone Age. The beauty of the mountain is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. The feast day we now celebrate on …

Martha’s Dragons

Saint Martha was the aggressive middle sister to her siblings Lazarus and Mary.  She was a friend of Jesus’. In the bible she is known for being witness to Jesus’ resurrection of her brother, Lazarus.  Jesus also shocks her out of her anxious fretting about meal preparation (she is now the …

Educating the Indigenous

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish knight from a noble family who following injury in battle during the early 1500s had visions of Mary, becoming a hermit and priest who founded the Jesuits.Jesuits had a profound impact on San Miguel de Allende, and around the world, forming numerous Jesuit schools. …

Lost Causes

Jude, also called Judas Thaddeus, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and the son of one of Mary’s cousins. He is little mentioned in the bible yet is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus prior to his crucifixion.In art he is shown with a flame around …

Day of the Dead

Before the coming of the Catholic conquistadors, natives lived with death as a constant companion.  The Chichimecas believed the spirits of the dead remained among the living to be acknowledged through song, dance, and food.  The cult of ancestor worship was deeply rooted in Mesoamerica.  …

Being 3 Rocks!

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a liturgical feast celebrating when Mary’s parents, Joachim and Ann decide to consecrate her to God, and bring her, at the age of three years, to the temple in Jerusalem.   It was a highly unusual act for a girl at that time. The baby Mary statues that are …